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Writer's pictureLisa Chubinsky, CTS, CPC, CPCC


Before you answer, let me tell you about Don.

Don was and will always be my favorite candidate. 

One day my father called me at the office and asked me to find his friend Don a job. I had no idea who Don was and found out he was my father’s new neighbor in their senior apartment complex. 

Don came to my office roughly five minutes after the call. Through our impromptu interview I found out that Don sold real estate in the Mid-West before moving East to be close to his son. Don was charming, had no computer skills, and was bored out of his mind. He was also over 80!

He told me that he loved to work, and his positive attitude and enthusiasm were infectious.

The fact that he was new in town, a widower, and didn’t really know anyone, didn’t seem to faze him. Don was terrific but I had no idea where I could place him. 

However, my father asked me to do a favor, and I promised him I would try. So, over the course of a month, I made some calls to see what I could do. 

Meanwhile, once a week Don would stop by my office. He would bring me a cup of coffee, and we would chat a little. He never overstayed his welcome, and his visit was always a surprise. I knew from my father that Don was successful in real estate. I sensed his visits were somewhat like a sales call to ensure I kept him top of mind.

I ultimately placed him with a wonderful local company, where I knew the owner. The company even offered to pay for Don's computer training to bring him up to speed. After Don was hired, he would occasionally stop by the office and bring me a cup of coffee. He’d sit for a few minutes, thank me, and let me know how much he enjoyed his new position.

Three years into the job, I ran into the owner at a local supermarket and found out that Don broke his hip. Once his physical therapy was finished, Don went right back to work. 

A year or two later, my father called the office to let me know that Don died peacefully in his sleep. I’d like to think that I had my part in making the last few years of Don's life enjoyable. He thrived being where the action is….

At work.

Lisa Chubinsky, CPC, CTS, CPCC, is the CEO and Founder of Philadelphia based New Career Directions. She is a Certified Career Coach, Resume Writer, Keynote Speaker and Talent Development Advisor to Corporations.

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